Friday, July 27, 2007

tribute to final fantasy 8

for some reason, I am fascinated by EDEA in final fantasy 8... final fantasy craze kicks in again..tribute to final fantasy..hail to EDEA

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have been tagged by PIXIE

1 – Three things I can’t do
Get out of my shell
Get out of my bed the min I wake up
Dive - im kinda scared of water

2 – Three things I can do
sing while taking a shower
talk endlessly about myself :-D

3 – Three things That scares me
Getting out of my shell
Getting drowned
What the world might turn into

4 – Three things I love
My mom
My husband

5 – Three things I hate
Being stuck in the middle of the sea in a bad weather

now i'd like to tag:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

drama junkie!!

there was this one quote from desperate housewives that got me thinking...that struck me like a lghtning and made me travel into the world of chaos..the galaxy of the quote goes like this...
"You. You don't want to be happy. You're a drama junkie. When there is no drama, you create it. once the dust settles, you'll kick up some more because you don't know how to just be happy."
so i just realised that my life could be the most perfect life anyone could have and its just all these dramas that i create which makes it a little hard to handle, the fact that i get into too many "situations" which caught me in this web of disappointment i couldnt get out...what i need to do is just take a deep breath, enjoy life and be happy...easy as a pie!!
take the dust and make my own sweet castle instead of throwing it around and making it the big dust monster that swallows all the twinkling stars around me..maybe i should stop being the drama junkie whose life has to be this "happily ever after cinderella story" and when it is i expect it to be the "snow white"story...
maybe all i need is to forget about yesterdays and tommorows...although the today process can be kind of boring and just stop being the junkie i am!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007